Home Learn English Simple Present Tense | Simple Present Tense Examples 100

Simple Present Tense | Simple Present Tense Examples 100

Simple Present Tense: The simple present tense is employed in a sentence to represent an action. 

Simple Present Tense

Tenses: The word tense means Time. The Tense of verb gives us an idea of the time when an action.

There are three Main Tenses of verbs. Present Tense, Past Tense, Future Tense. There are classified into simple, Continuous, Perfect, and Perfect Continuous Tense.

Present Tense: When an action refers to present Time it is a present Tense.

Definition: The simple present tense is employed in a sentence to represent an action or event that takes place or just happened in the given context at the present moment. The simple present is also called the present indefinite tense.

Formula:  Subject + Verb infinitive + object

Structure of the Simple Present Tense

Affirmative Form: Subject + Verb in the base form/third person plural form.


  • I Work.
  • You work.
  • He / She/ It Works.
  • We Work.
  • They Work.

Negative Form: Subject + Do not/Don’t/Does not/doesn’t + Verb in the base form/third person plural form.


  • I do not Work.
  • You do not work.
  • He / She/ It does not Works.

Question Form: Do/Does + Subject + Verb


  • Do I work
  • Do You Work
  • Does He / She/ It Works?
  • Do we work?
  • Do they Work?

Uses of simple present tense:

1. To express habitual actions

a) Mohan gets up early in the morning.

b) I drink milk every day.

c) My grandmother tells me the stories.

2. To express universal and general truths.

a) The earth moves round the sun.

b) India is reach for its culture.

c) Lemon is sour.

3. To give direct quotation.

a) Grandfather Said “I am very lucky.”

b) Lata Says “I work very hard.”

4. To Express future planned events.

a) I go to Mumbai next month.

b) My friend arrives here on next Saturday.

c) We leave for Delhi day after tomorrow.

5. To express a way of happening of action.

a) Radha works very hard.

b) He speak in simple way.

c) Lata sings sweetly.

Some sentences of simple present tense | Example:

  • He loves to play basketball.
  • He goes to school.
  • Does he go to school?
  • They sleep in the afternoon.
  • When do they usually talk to each other?
  • The children are at home.
  • She writes an e-mail to her best friend.
  • The earth goes round the sun.
  • He thinks he is very handsome.
  • It usually rains every day here.
  • George brushes his teeth twice a day.
  • He gets up early every day.
  • They speak English in USA.
  • It smells very delicious in the kitchen.
  • We generally sing songs all together.
  • We go to a gallery every Sunday.
  • Does he write an email?
  • The sun rises at the east.
  • She goes to work by car.
  • It doesn’t rain here in the summer.
  • We cook every day.
  • We go to the gym club together.
  • You have a big house.
  • Do we know each other?
  • I like reading detective stories.
  • I like geography and science.
  • She doesn’t study German on Monday.
  • Do you like spaghetti?
  • Does she live in Paris?
  • He doesn’t teach math.
  • Cats hate water.
  • Every child likes an ice-cream.
  • My mother never lies.
  • The Earth is spherical.
  • She doesn’t use a computer.
  • We see them every week.
  • I don’t like tea.
  • It snows a lot in winter in Russia.
  • We live in Texas.
  • You go to holiday every summer.
  • My daughter does the laundry.
  • My brother takes out the trash.
  • The course starts next Sunday.
  • She swims every morning.
  • I don’t wash the dishes.

10 Examples of Present simple Questions:

1. Do you like coffee?

2. What do you usually eat for breakfast?

3. Where do you live?

4. How often do you exercise?

5. Do you have any pets?

6. What time do you usually wake up?

7. What is your favorite TV show?

8. Do you enjoy reading books?

9. How do you usually get to work or school?

10. What do you like to do in your free time? 

See also: 

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